Why My Mask Will Be Staying On For As Long As It Takes

If the English government were serious about learning to live with the virus, they would be taking measures to control it.

Violet Daniels
7 min readJul 19, 2021
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Currently, 52.4% of the UK’s adult population has received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccination. However, on Tuesday 13th July, just shy of a week away from the ending of all legal restrictions introduced to curtail the virus, there were 36,600 new recorded cases.

From Monday 19th, despite rising cases, deaths, and hospitalisations, there will be no legal requirement in England to wear a facemask or social distance. Hundreds of doctors and scientists criticise Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to take this path as “ criminal “ as he hopes to lead the British public on the path to freedom.

The UK has the highest death rate from Covid than any major country, and scientists have warned we’re currently on track to have 100–200 deaths per day occurring at the peak of this next wave. But for the government, this is an acceptable number as long as it doesn’t overwhelm the NHS.

There are many problems with calling it “freedom day”, but one of the worst is the complete disregard for life. Back in April, it was alleged Johnson said he would “ let the bodies pile high,” we still…



Violet Daniels

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/